​ ​​ Owl Sense™ v1.1

  • General purpose audio recorders for wildlife research
  • High quality audio with a 73dB(A) SNR built-in microphone
  • Capable of recording audio up to 48k
  • Runs on a single battery for over 500 hours with 24k audio
  • Fully weather resistant enclosure and microphone
  • Supports custom scheduling options to record only when necessary

 ​ ​Affordable pricing

  • Owl Sense™ was designed from the beginning to be a very low cost device
  • Our goal is to see ARUs used on a mass scale, to facilitate use cases where otherwise infeasible
  • $120 for a single unit
  • Ready to deploy with a battery and memory card for ~$140 per unit

 ​​ High quality microphones

  • Featuring Infineon's IM73D122 MEMS microphone
  • Ultra-low self-noise/ultra-high SNR 73dB(A)
  • User serviceable, microphone can be replaced
  • The microphone element is protected by a hydrophobic membrane, to reduce down time due to rain soaking the element

 Audio settings

  • Supports sample rates from 8k to 48k
  • Built-in gain settings from 0dB to 40.5dB
  • Adjustable high-pass filter to reduce low frequency noise
  • Audio files are captured as uncompressed 16 bit WAV

 Simple scheduling

  • Continuous
  • Sunrise to Sunset
  • Sunset to Sunrise
  • Sunrise and Sunset
  • Sunset Only
  • Sunrise Only
  • Duty Cycle

*Sunrise/Sunset based schedules support a configurable extension period to record before and after each event.  For example, record 60 minutes before sunrise to 60 minutes after sunset.

 Ultra-long runtimes

  • Runs on a single 18650 lithium battery
  • 1000 hours o​f audio at 8k
  • 500 hours of audio at 24k
  • 300 hours of audio at 48k

* runtimes are using a 3500mAh battery at room temperature, actual values will depend on battery age and temperature

 Mobile App

  • All configuration is done with an iOS app
  • Date/Time and location are automatically sent to the unit when configuring the device
  • Easily configure several units with the identical settings with defaults

 Durable and compact

  • Heavy duty waterproof case
  • Easy to open with retained thumbscrews 
  • 6" x 2.7" x 1.9" ~7oz with battery

 Simple to use

  • Install a battery and memory card
  • Turn on wireless
  • Open the app and configure
  • Disconnect and record!